Critical Open Source Projects Rely On Equinix Dedicated Cloud
Open source developers working on heavy duty cloud native infrastructure components get to use our platform to build, test and distribute their software.
OpenStack Finds New Footing With Fewer But Larger Clouds
On the project’s growing heavy-duty user base and our infrastructure support for heavy-duty workshops at its recent summit.
We’re Not Here to Play Games…or Are We?
Put on your Poirot homburg hat and step into the data center to uncover whodunit
Three Fundamental Funding Questions Founders Ask
Having taken companies from initial idea through successful exit, here’s some basic startup funding advice I give new founders.
How a Successful Open Source Project Becomes a Business
Open source projects aren’t profitable; businesses are. Andy Randall, of Kinvolk and Tigera fame, shares the wisdom.
Blockchain’s Democratizing Potential
Grace Andrews reflects on the power blockchain technology can put in the hands of “everyday people doing everyday things.”
Why We're Raising Prices and Not Blaming the Supply Chain
Sure, we’re raising our on-demand pricing, but that’s not the biggest news: we’re also bringing the latest from Intel and AMD to our platform, making more inventory available everywhere, and increasing our term discounts dramatically.
Why the Internet Owes Its Success to Open Source
“The Free Software Foundation is the grandfather of what people like to call ‘open source’ and what we like to call free software. We mean free as in speech, not as in beer.”—Brian Fox
A Blockchain Is “A Worldwide Cooperative”
Grace Andrews and Solana Labs’ Austin Federa in conversation about crypto’s implications for markets and individuals.
A Founder’s Guide to Cloud Startup Programs
On the surface, they all appear to offer the same basic things, but there are several important nuances to consider if you want to find one that’s right for you.
Spin Up to Win Up! Holiday Edition
See how fast you can provision a bare metal server somewhere in the world and win a prize.