Five Great Flavors of Kubernetes You May Have Missed
There’s a universe of alternative flavors of Kubernetes beyond the dominant ones you always hear about (the ones that mostly have three-letter acronyms for their names). Here’s a handful of good examples.
The world of tech: a beautiful game.
Alice Sowerby breaks down the two fundamental domains in tech: "The Domain of Experts" and "The Domain of Emergence". Both are challenging in nature, and both are needed.
Optimizing Your Work with High-Core Count Machines
Server processors from Ampere, AMD, and Intel have increased dramatically in core counts in recent years, and the trend is continuing. What can you do with so many cores, and what are the pitfalls?
You May Not Require Kubernetes, But You Do Need Kubernetes
We don’t need no Kubernetes; we don’t need no kubectl.
Building Momentum with Tinkerbell
Tinkerbell, the open source and battle tested bare metal provisioner that powers Equinix Metal, is flourishing as an open source project. In addition to inspiring new features for more use cases, transparency has helped ensure we’re challenging existing technical constructs for the better.
Building Out the Tinkerbell CI/CD Infrastructure
To build out the testing infrastructure for Tinkerbell, I reached for three of my favorite projects: Pulumi, SaltStack and Teleport.
Ask Your Developer–Even About Hardware
I recently binge-read “Ask Your Developer” which does a great job of weaving together the lessons Jeff Lawson has learned throughout his career.
Building an Ephemeral Homelab
When I joined Equinix back in May, I didn't anticipate just how much I'd love hacking on hardware.
Knowledge Hard Won
A Series on Multi-cluster Management with Kubernetes
Kubernetes the LogDNA Way
How LogDNA embraced portability with Kubernetes and saved more than $400k per month on its cloud bill.
How Tinkerbell Got Its Wings
Join Gianluca and the Equinix Metal team on their adventures with Tinkerbell and bare metal.