Home / Blog / Grace Andrews Grace Andrews 24 March 2022 Hardware Innovators’ Hidden Role in the Explosion of the Internet “There are thousands of people at large companies that are driving not only the design of the hardware, but the supply chains behind [it] as well. And if you just look at the financial reporting from these companies, they spend billions and billions of dollars on infrastructure.” — Amir Michael 17 March 2022 What Is the Data Explosion Doing to the Planet? “The internet is actually a big sustainability bargain.” — Jon Koomey 16 March 2022 Blockchain’s Democratizing Potential Grace Andrews reflects on the power blockchain technology can put in the hands of “everyday people doing everyday things.” 10 March 2022 Why the Internet Owes Its Success to Open Source “The Free Software Foundation is the grandfather of what people like to call ‘open source’ and what we like to call free software. We mean free as in speech, not as in beer.”—Brian Fox 03 March 2022 How Wireless Changed the Network Infrastructure Conversation “Apple and Google utterly eradicated them. None of those first 10 companies are still in the smartphone business in the way that they were.” – Sascha Segan 02 March 2022 The Network Infrastructure Puzzle That Made “Netflix and Chill” Possible “It's not a coincidence that the company was called Netflix. The intention was always to deliver it over the network. We just needed to feel that the network was ready.” – Dave Temkin 28 February 2022 The Buildings and the Wires: How the Internet’s Physical Foundation Came to Be “A lot of people assume it’s just sort of magical, like it's air that we breathe, or electricity that just happens to be available to us. But in order for everything to continue to grow and reach its ultimate capability we need systems and technologies and businesses that allow that infrastructure to grow.” — Jay Adelson 16 February 2022 What’s In the Sauce: Blockchain Infrastructure Building Blocks Grace Andrews and Charlie Lane in conversation about all the things one needs to build a blockchain. 09 February 2022 A Blockchain Is “A Worldwide Cooperative” Grace Andrews and Solana Labs’ Austin Federa in conversation about crypto’s implications for markets and individuals. 26 October 2021 ‘There Will Never Be an End.’ Mandiant’s Nadean Tanner on Infosec Infosec will always be a moving target, and the only consistent defense strategy is “hyper awareness.” 19 October 2021 You Know Who’s Best at Backups? Ransomware Survivors Charlie Lane, a professional cybersecurity geek, in conversation with Grace Andrews about ransomware and enterprise security in general. 22 March 2021 What’s in the Sauce Grace Andrews digs deep into the meaning and purpose of cloud and digital transformation at Equinix. Her guest, Dan Lotterman, is a Senior Solutions Architect at Equinix and brings a lot of clarity into the space. Recent authors