Building an Ephemeral Homelab
When I joined Equinix back in May, I didn't anticipate just how much I'd love hacking on hardware.
Knowledge Hard Won
A Series on Multi-cluster Management with Kubernetes
State of Cloud Native on Arm
With an emphasis on multithreading and power efficiency under load, the Arm architecture provides an excellent substrate for a variety of cloud native workloads.
On Building a Brand That You Love
The only thing I really know how to do is play the bassoon. When I was 14 years old, I somehow started down the path to become a professional classical musician, spending thousands of hours learning my craft.
Why It’s Harder to Get a Server Into Sydney than a Satellite Into Space
In short: being good at getting hardware in (and maybe even out) of data centers of all shapes and sizes is increasingly important.
Kubernetes the LogDNA Way
How LogDNA embraced portability with Kubernetes and saved more than $400k per month on its cloud bill.
Turning the Physical Digital
It’s a funny thing — this idea of “creating” or turning up a cloud. Consumers of bare metal are typically much more aware of the physical considerations involved in running hardware than those using hypervisor-based, virtualized clouds.
A Look Back at SRECon20
When this year started, I had big plans to spend a lot of time with my community–the SRE community.
How Tinkerbell Got Its Wings
Join Gianluca and the Equinix Metal team on their adventures with Tinkerbell and bare metal.
What’s Next for Google Cloud’s Anthos, Equinix and Bare Metal
Hello, is it Anthos You’re Looking For?
Tripling Down on Cloud Native
Today we're tripling our annual investment in the CNCF's Community Infrastructure Lab to $1M. Here's why.