The Wind on your Back: On Biking, Clearing the Mind, and Letting Go
Part of a podcast series that spotlights the passions and outside-of-work lives of Metal employees. This week, Linda Hemerik shares a peek into her life.
Kitty-boom-bah-kitty-BAH: On Colombian Dance and Heritage
Part of a podcast series that spotlights the passions and outside-of-work lives of Metal employees. This week, Jayson Durango shares a peek into his life.
May the Fourth Be With You
Fans of adventures in a galaxy far, far away unite every May 4 to celebrate Star Wars Day. The punny timing is chosen because May the Fourth sounds a lot like the beginning of the famous Jedi saying, “May the Force Be With You.”
It’s Good Stuff: On Biking, Traveling, and Not Being Scared of Sheep
Part of a podcast series that spotlights the passions and outside-of-work lives of Metal employees. This week, Cristina Buendia shares a peek into her life.
When Did We Forget We Are All Human?
She was 4’ 10” of pure spit fire with enough empathy to rival all the great women of this world. One of the greats. Fierce as hell. That was Mom. MY Mom.
Big Ambitions, Small Details
This post is part of a series that spotlights how the people at Equinix Metal spend their downtime in ways that help make us a workplace overflowing with curiosity, craft, and connection.