How the Different Data Platforms Differ
Many things are referred to as a “data platform.” Here’s a handy primer for those who are new to the space.
How to Architect a Data Platform
The 13 layers of a modern data platform, what they do and when your organization needs them.
How to Design for Low Latency at Scale
The basics of keeping latency low, from application design through hardware and platform optimization.
How to Build a Platform Team (And Why You Need One)
If you want to give your developers the best tools so they can ship better software more often, create a team to do just that.
A Cloud for Workloads Where Infrastructure Matters
We’re adding new features, resources and availability regions to make the power of Equinix dedicated cloud accessible to more users.
Cloud or On Prem? In Genomics, It’s Good to Have Both
A hybrid cloud architecture we recently tested for genomic sequence data analysis can unlock the cloud’s power for life sciences.
Comparing Platforms That Manage All the Clouds
Using more than one cloud gives you more options but adds a lot of management complexity. These tools are designed to help.
On or Off the Cloud: a Checklist
What basic questions to ask when faced with the daunting task of an application infrastructure rethink.
When Your CI Pipeline Needs More Than the Default
Three developer teams whose builds, tests and distribution work best—or only work—on dedicated cloud.
Platform Engineering, What It’s For, and How to Get It Right
Introduction to an effective way to streamline software development and get more value out of your developer team
Why and When Dedicated Cloud Is the Way
More than the raw performance of bare metal, it provides the advantages of public clouds without the drawbacks of shared, general-purpose infrastructure.