![It’s Open Source Season on the [Kubernetes] Highway!](https://deploy.equinix.com/media/blog/images/17e62166fc8586dfa4d1bc0e1742c08b/uJ08-jcez.highway.reduced_600.jpg)
It’s Open Source Season on the [Kubernetes] Highway!
To save you from the potentially exhausting, dangerous journey down the interwebs, here is our “guaranteed to be out of date next month” roundup of the movers, shakers, and newsworthy in the Kubernetes landscape.
Going VIRL with Cisco
How our drive to “Make Bare Metal Great Again” resulted in our biggest partnership to date, and why that is only half the story.
No More Warming up the Disk: Announcing our Block Storage Service
After our beta process last Summer, we knew we’d need to make storage easier for our customers - specifically network accessible block devices. But I’ll be honest: building a multi-tenant, highly resilient and high performance block storage service scared the crap out of me!
Redfish and the Future of Bare Metal Server Automation
Scripting against some of the most fundamental server management tools like IPMI is done via line-by-line bash scripts. Will the RedFish project bring BMC out of the 1990's and further support the need for systems automation?
Bare Metal now comes with Elastic Addressing
I am pleased to announce the public availability of a feature we're calling Advanced IP Management. We're making this accessible to select clients today, and expect to have it generally available over the next week or two.
Intro to Docker for Developers: How to Run your Rails App on Docker
With Docker-mania in full swing, we’ve put together a practical guide to help you dockerize your next Rails app.
Why We Peer
Whatever the reasons, peering is certainly flourishing today, and any reports of its death have been greatly overexaggerated.
NVMe Servers: The Next Leap in Bare Metal Performance
A few years ago, SSD drives took the industry by storm - boosting performance for all kinds of use cases. Now Packet is introducing the next latency-killing revolution and its name is NVMe.
Packet Hits the Floor at TechCrunch Disrupt in NYC
In March, my colleague Aaron submitted Packet to TechCrunch Disrupt’s NYC “Startup Battlefield” competition. The Battlefield is a chance to face off in a pitch-session throwdown with a handpicked group of leading startups - get your name out, get feedback, and have the chance to win $50k!
How Equinix Metal is Bringing Cloud Networking to Bare Metal Servers
Networking models and features for virtualized clouds have evolved dramatically in the last decade -- while bare metal networks are largely the same as they were in 2005. At Metal, we’re changing things up a bit.