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Varnish Private Content Delivery and Origin Protection

Deploy, monitor, and manage secure, private cache and content delivery services to improve regional content delivery resilience, optimize API usage, and reduce cloud costs.  

Varnish Private Content Delivery and Origin Protection
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In a nutshell

  • Rapidly deploy, monitor and manage customizable cache and content delivery services on Equinix Metal to provide a secure, private CDN, improve regional content delivery resilience, and optimize API and Hybrid Cloud utilization and egress fees.

Why we love it

  • Enhanced performance. Leverage Varnish Enterprise on the high-speed, bare-metal infrastructure of Equinix Metal to move workloads to the edge and deliver exceptional user experiences while significantly reducing origin load
  • Rapid provisioning of edge content delivery. Varnish on Equinix Metal allows for fast deployment of dedicated content delivery services, enabling businesses to make immediate positive impact.
  • Private, dedicated CDN deployment. Equinix Metal provides an isolated environment for running tailored, seamless and secure content delivery workloads with Varnish Enterprise
  • Global scalability. Scale private CDN resources easily with Equinix Metal’s global footprint, assigning resources whenever they are needed.
  • Broad application of use cases. Run multiple enterprise workloads on Equinix Metal, from web acceleration and video streaming to API management, application delivery and DevOps optimization.

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