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Get the visibility and control to apply consistent governance on heterogeneous infrastructure.

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In a nutshell

  • Managing a mix of public and private clouds, hypervisors, containers, Kubernetes clusters and bare metal is difficult. Especially while looking for ways to optimize costs and to streamline processes across the organization.
  • Mist solves this problem by providing the visibility and control that's necessary in order to apply consistent governance on heterogeneous infrastructure.

Why we love it

  • IT and financial managers can get real time visibility of usage to better understand where costs are coming from and find ways to reduce waste and save money. Avoid zombie instances and other waste.
  • Operation teams can quickly implement self-service workflows for their users.
  • Engineering teams can focus on the work at hand instead of struggling to figure out how to set up that test environment they need.
  • Get started in minutes—not months—when compared to other solutions. No migration steps to get in or out of Mist.
  • There is a Mist edition for every need. Mist Community Edition is 100% open source, for teams with a DIY approach. Mist Hosted Service (SaaS) is easy to get started with and is ideal for highly dynamic infrastructures. Mist Enterprise Edition (on-prem) is ideal for large teams with advanced needs around orchestration and access controls.

Mist's multicloud dashboard. Control all your resources across more than 20 supported platforms from a single pane of glass.

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