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Cloudian HyperStore on Equinix Metal

The cloud in your Equinix data center: Enterprise-class, secure, limitlessly scalable object storage with unmatched S3-compatibility for seamless hybrid cloud integration.

Cloudian HyperStore on Equinix Metal
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In a nutshell…

  • Cloudian HyperStore on Equinix Metal provides Enterprise-class, secure, limitlessly scalable object storage. It offers Unmatched S3-compatibility for seamless hybrid cloud integration at up to ⅔ less cost when compared to the public cloud.

Why we love it?

  • Consolidate Your Data: Simplify your storage and eliminate silos with limitless capacity in a single, low-cost object storage pool.
  • Build Your Hybrid Cloud: Get the best of both public and private clouds with effortless data mobility for traditional and cloud-native modern apps.
  • Lock Out Ransomware: Protect your data with immutable storage, safe from hacker encryption.
  • Ensure Data Sovereignty: Build a private cloud on Equinix Metal bare-metal infrastructure for compliance, performance and data locality.
  • Rich feature set: Designed for global enterprises, HyperStore comes out-of-the-box with features like multi-tenancy, billing, and QoS.
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