How Dedicated Cloud Differs from Public Cloud
What dedicated cloud is for, what you gain and what you give up when you choose to deploy your workload on single-tenant cloud infrastructure.
An Infrastructure to Supercharge an Ecommerce Engine
How dedicated cloud helps solve for fluctuating demand and other challenges of selling goods online while keeping infrastructure costs under control.
A Cloud for Workloads Where Infrastructure Matters
We’re adding new features, resources and availability regions to make the power of Equinix dedicated cloud accessible to more users.
Why and When Dedicated Cloud Is the Way
More than the raw performance of bare metal, it provides the advantages of public clouds without the drawbacks of shared, general-purpose infrastructure.
How You Know a Workload Has Outgrown the Cloud
Cloud costs can get out of control, often driven by business growth. Some cloud workloads have much to gain from an infrastructure rethink.
Why Build Your Proof of Concept on Dedicated Cloud?
POCs for workloads with no room for compromise on performance and control are best served by non-virtualized, single-tenant environments that can be provisioned on demand.
What We Learned Running a Virtual Networking IaaS
And what we’re doing to improve Network Edge performance, reliability and upgradeability.