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Fork a Repo and Deploy a Server

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Fork a Repo and Deploy a Server

In this steps we'll be getting familiar with GitHub Actions. If it's your first time using GitHub Actions take a few minutes to flip through their documentation.


1. Fork the metal-cli repo to your own GitHub namespace

For this workshop, we'll be making a copy of the Equinix Metal CLI code repository, metal-cli, to create and test our runners. You could use your own code repository if you already have one. If you do, you can skip this step.

Click on this link "Fork Metal CLI" and fork a copy to your own Github account.

Step 7 of 16

2. Disable the actions on your fork of metal-cli

Go to your fork of the metal-cli repo and click on Settings > Actions > Runners and disable the actions for now.

Disable Actions Screenshot

Step 8 of 16

3. Deploy a new machine on Equinix Metal

We'll also need a server to run the actions on, in this step we provision a Ubuntu 22.04 server on Equinix Metal, through the CLI.

metal device create -p $METAL_PROJECT_ID -P c3.medium.x86 -m da -H github-runner-test -O ubuntu_22_04

Step 9 of 16


Before proceeding to the next part let's take a few minutes to discuss what we did. Here are some questions to start the discussion.

  • What sorts of code repositories would you want to run your own runners on?
  • What size machine would be right for your runners?

Step 10 of 16

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