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OpenTelemetry CLI
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OpenTelemetry CLI

Send OpenTelemetry traces from the command line

Version v0.4.5 was released on 01 April, 2024 View changelog External link icon

What is it?

otel-cli is a tool for sending OpenTelemetry traces to a collector from the command line. By using otel-cli, you can easily add tracing to shell scripts and to other applications where tracing is not well-supported natively.

How do you use it?

To learn more about installing and using otel-cli, read the Getting Started docs.

Assuming you have Go installed:

go install

If you don't have Go installed, see the link above for other install options, including brew.

Once otel-cli is installed, you can try it out locally with the built-in OTLP server. Configure the otel-cli environment to use the local server and traces will be shown on the console.

otel-cli server tui
export OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_ENDPOINT=localhost:4317 # address:port of the server created above

Run a program inside a span:

otel-cli exec --service my-service --name "curl example" curl

otel-cli propagates context using environment variables so you can chain context through child spans:

otel-cli exec --kind producer "otel-cli exec --kind consumer sleep 1"

If a traceparent environment variable is set it will be automatically picked up and used by span and exec. You can use --tp-ignore-env to ignore it even when present.

export TRACEPARENT=00-0af7651916cd43dd8448eb211c80319c-b7ad6b7169203331-01

You can pass the traceparent to a child via arguments as well by using the template text {{traceparent}} in any of the command's arguments.

otel-cli exec --name "curl api" -- \
   curl -H 'traceparent: {{traceparent}}'

For more advanced examples, see the examples in the project.

Let us know about your experience with this project on the Equinix Community.

Submit new feature requests on the otel-cli GitHub Issues page.

Last updated

24 October, 2024



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