We’re Not Here to Play Games…or Are We?
Put on your Poirot homburg hat and step into the data center to uncover whodunit

Who is the perp? Is it Dir. Claude Architect? Or is it Anya Cast? Maybe Bri Gate Pool? Did they commit their crime with a fiber patch cable, or was a spare server power supply their weapon of choice? Did they do it in the meet-me room or in the control room? So many questions when a crime has been committed in the data center…
We’re on a mission to help decode the mysteries of the internet by explaining the things behind the scenes that make it all go. We started down this path with the launch of Traceroute last year and have since been winding our way through various mediums and storytelling formats to make the inner workings of digital infrastructure come to life in fun ways.
We know that many in the cloud native community have never set foot inside of a data center. The Cloud is someone else’s data center, and that’s the point! We also know that some of you are at least data center-curious. We now have a way for you to explore the buildings where the internet lives—without visiting one. You can put yourself in the DC Ops shoes at home, over pizza and beers with friends!
Introducing Fault Finder, a Data Center Board Game
It's a limited-edition specialized mystery board game built on a data center foundation. Come face to face with friends and foes like Dir. Claude Architect and Prof. Skye Reliability as you attempt to trace various connections to the perpetrator, the crime scene and the weapon. Step outside of your comfort zone and into the hot aisle to untangle the cabling and uncover whodunit!
This tech board game is in production. Register today to receive an email when the game is live and ready to be purchased.
Cost: $50. We’re only producing 500 games, so register today to save your space!